Back Pain
Are you one of the 80% of Americans suffering from back pain?
Is your back pain significantly affecting your life?
You may be able to ‘push through the pain’, but is it stopping you from doing what you love?
You may not be able to play golf, work easily, bend over or even sit in the car for 30 minutes without back pain. If you are one of the countless Americans searching for a solution, a solution that doesn’t involve pills or giving up your lifestyle, there is an alternative that has worked for countless people who felt the same as you do. In this era of high deductibles and copays, people are paying more and more out of pocket for their healthcare. Our goal is to provide high quality care with shorter treatment plans and fast, effective pain relief.

Will it work for me?
Chiropractic care has been around for over one hundred years and helps everyone, from the young to the old, the athlete and stay-at-home mom. Even sports stars and entertainers like Tiger Woods, Emmitt Smith, Tony Robbins, Joe Montana, Aaron Rodgers and former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger use chiropractic care to address their back pain. All of these individuals have the money to hire any kind of doctor they want, yet they choose chiropractic care for their back pain.
At Spinal and Sports Care Clinic, we have helped thousands of patients find relief from their low back pain and return to an active, healthy life. We are integrated with the local medical community and routinely receive referrals from medical doctors because of our success rate. If we cannot help you, we will make every effort to refer you to the appropriate specialist.
Our Approach
Back pain has many different causes, and because of this, every new patient visit begins with a thorough history and examination, so we can get to the root of the problem. In the low back, the cause could be the joint, or a muscle, or a disc. This approach allows us to create an individualized treatment plan, producing quicker and longer lasting results. Our exact approach varies depending on your exam findings, but treatments include chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitation, soft tissue therapies or even decompression and traction. Your treatment is delivered by highly trained physicians, who truly care about your health. We also integrate with local medical providers to produce the best results. There are several research studies that support our integrative approach to low back pain:

“scores at week 6 were statistically significant in favor of usual medical care plus chiropractic care compared with usual medical care alone…” – JAMA
“… chiropractic adjustments with or without exercise, improved symptoms more than medical care did after both 3 and 12 months.”– British Medical Journal
“Chiropractor’s manipulation of the spine was more helpful than any of the following: traction, massage, biofeedback, acupuncture, injection of steroids into the spine, back corsets and ultrasound.” — Stanley Bigos, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
This means in just a matter of weeks you could be back on the golf course, enjoying your love of life, or traveling again.